

Artificial Nothing: 8 artists who question the medium of image 

A unique Group Show, on the occasion of Paris Photo

­From November 6 to 10, 2024, on the occasion of Paris Photo: Fisheye Gallery is taking over 78, rue du Temple in Paris and presents — as part of a collective off-site program — the exhibition Nothing Artificial through a selection of 8 artists who question the medium of the image:









At a time of great changes in photography, Fisheye Gallery reaffirms — with the collective exhibition Nothing Artificial: the preeminence of the point of view of artists and authors, beyond any artificial or technological segmentation.

The exhibition Nothing Artificial brings together photographers and visual artists driven by a common concern: the exploration of the photographic medium, both in its content and in its form.

Rich in their respective backgrounds but also in their own sensibilities, their perspectives meet and their practices interact by offering a contrasting and complementary variation of artistic approaches. A fine flower of the historical and emerging talents of the Fisheye Gallery, the artistic panorama offered gives pride of place to advances in contemporary photographic and digital creation, including artificial intelligence.

Free entry, in the heart of Paris - on more than 200 m² of exhibition space, the Nothing Artificial exhibition brings together more than 40 works.

­Fisheye Gallery: the pioneering gallery dedicated to photography In Paris, Arles and nomad

­Opened in October 2016, Fisheye Gallery is located in the 10th arrondissement of Paris in a place exclusively dedicated to photography, a stone's throw from the Saint-Martin canal. With a second 200 m² space opened in Arles, Fisheye Gallery is proud to represent artists with diverse writings and to support cultural initiatives, as evidenced by the partnerships established since its birth with the Circulation(s) and La Gacilly festivals .

Fisheye Gallery tends to stand out by offering uninhibited emerging international programming. It assumes its role of pioneering new photographic writings in major European fairs as well as in front of public institutions and photography stakeholders.

Aware of the transformation of the art market and keen to provide an agile response to the changes that characterize it, Fisheye Gallery continues its innovative and singular model, adopting a more nomadic form to navigate and project itself into new places, in the natural extension of the editorial positioning of Fisheye Magazine and Fisheye Immersive. Indeed, through its media, the Fisheye ecosystem has always been at the intersection of photographic and digital artistic practices. These two sets will now be presented and defended within the Fisheye Gallery.

The month of November is also the opportunity to discover issue 68 of the magazine, a rich issue which gives pride of place to Paris Photo, and reserves some lovely surprises...




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