Feeling the rhythm of great sporting feats, anxiously awaiting the final whistle, shouting with joy at extraordinary victories, generating new hope after a defeat…each of us carries within the memories of great moments in sport that hold a special place in the story of our lives. They were forged by heroes, by women and men who reached beyond their limits to scale unbelievable heights and reverse desperate situations. And all of them took place within a specific setting, a theater of events that lent them their aura of greatness and their unique character. Iconic Sport Sites honors them today, celebrating this glorious past and preparing the terrain for tomorrow’s exploits.
Stadiums, playing fields, and tracks are all authors of and witnesses to these achievements. Through their ambience, they give added depth to sporting competitions, changing the course of face-offs, and uniting cheering crowds. Through their architecture, they communicate their identity to teams, enhance performance, and leave a lasting mark on localities. Through their longevity, they have entered the history books and contributed to shaping the popular image of sport and of our societies. They are the very History of sport and its icons. Even more precisely, they are sites focused on the future, fertile ground for future feats and for the unity and harmony of territories.
These iconic sporting venues for each discipline come together as part of an international network launched by the city of Roubaix. The Velodromes and cycling are its first representatives. A true designation, designed as a network, Iconic Sport Sites makes this heritage come to life by offering each site recognition of its place in the history of sport, of its sporting discipline, and that of its region.
audit, benchmark, monitoring, research, prospective, positioning, strategic direction, textual and visual briefs
monitoring, research, cartography, editorial direction, programming, production
strategic direction, conception / writing of speaking engagements, media planning, operational implementation, influence (targeting, press and public relations, social media, events) and mediation (promotion, media partnerships, marketing digital, community management)
monitoring, research, mapping, prospecting, networking, partnerships