La Manufacture is a museum in Roubaix - Hauts-de-France – installed in a former textile factory adapted and transformed into a contemporary institution. By preserving cultural and industrial heritage, La Manufacture celebrates textile design in all its forms, gives everyone something to learn, discover, and create based on year-round programming that combines design, art, and heritage.
A citywide, national, and international crossroads open to all - professionals and the general public -, La Manufacture is a museum that blends heritage with a future focus on discoveries, encounters, and action, at the heart of the textile adventures of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. La Manufacture pays tribute to the industrial past of Roubaix, to its metropolitan area, and its region; it tells the story of those who lived through the revolutions in the textile industry and who are taking part in current shifts. Much more than a traditional museum, La Manufacture is a place where preservation, passing on knowledge, encounters, exhibitions, and creative design come together, a stunning everyday combination of past and present. Symbolic of the industrial innovations of the previous century and of the ones to come, La Manufacture, an icon of the cultural heritage of Roubaix, “the city of 1000 chimneys”, of a Roubaix that remains eternal over the centuries – from historic workshops and factories, to the creative power of regional talents, and current-day catalogue sales and marketplaces. La Manufacture evokes this rich history of the textile industry et positions itself as an active witness to the revolutions to come. The smokestacks may have disappeared, but a functioning steam engine from the early 20th century can still be seen in the machine room. Here, in a former factory dating from 1914, the remains of a past full of labour are lovingly preserved. The business of the past keeps on going, with each passing visitor. This museum keeps its eye firmly focused on the future.
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audit, benchmark, monitoring, research, positioning, strategic direction, textual and visual briefs
strategic direction, conception / writing of speaking engagements, media planning, operational implementation, influence (targeting, press and public relations, social media, events) and mediation (promotion, media partnerships, marketing digital)