An epiphany of meaning and usefulness, a source of pride.
To fully grasp the world, to take it in and understand it, you need to act and have an impact on it. Without any give-and-take, without sharing, the world remains a distant abstraction, and the passion to learn isn’t sparked. Experience a deep satisfaction from reconnecting with a more direct relationship to your food. Decide to knit and wear garments you’ve made with your very own hands. Feel a renewed desire for autonomy as part of everyday living that’s comprehensible, so you take a greater stake in it. See yourself in the world you construct around you. Today, we all aspire to a certain authenticity that has been lost from our relationships with objects. A halo of shared memories infuses the material objects that mark stages of our lives. Making objects for your everyday life – and passing them on from one generation to the next – allows you to forge indescribable connections with your loved ones, friends, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Create your own universe. Accomplishing something is a source of satisfaction. See yourself within a world transformed by your own hand. Give the best of yourself. Rise to the challenge. And sometimes, fail. Learn from your mistakes. Accomplish a technical feat. Do something you’ll be proud of. It promises to be a true revelation.
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audit, benchmark, monitoring, research, positioning, textual and visual briefs, textual identity